
Sept - Oct :: News Archive
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News from September and October 2006

 Entry #1 :: 28th Sept 2006

As you will have all noticed, the new updates to the website have just been completed. The new layout and easier guest usage should prove invaluable to the success of BASIK. Please take into consideration the following changes:

-All foootball related articles have been relocated to the events page.
-The Guestbook is reserved for GUESTS, hence the name, and is therefore not to be used as a private chatroom.
Entry #2 :: 29 Sept 2006

To keep visitors to the site informed:

-The forms to make BASIK a registered charity are the process of being filled out.
- We hope to be fully registered by the ends of October, providing the application is accepted
-There are plans currently in motion for a series of events after registration including a sponsered walk as well as a Quiz as part of a donation drive leading up to christmas.
- There is talk of BASIK doing an assembly for Y11 at some point in the not so far future.
-A press release is also in the pipeline for late in the year.

Any advancments on these issues will be posted on this page.
Thanks again, BASIK
Entry #3 :: 02 Oct 2006
Today the first meeting of the founders took place to discuss a few issues that needed to be addressed.
-Firstly, the issue of a logo. Two alternate designs were put forward, and it was eventually decided that the two should be combined, to form the new design considering that the votes were so evenly distributed.
-There are new plans to have BASIK wrist bands specially manufactured to go on sale quite possibly later this year. These will be used as a fundraising idea, as well as to get the message out to the wider community about what BASIK is trying to achieve.
Thanks, BASIK
Entry #4 :: 07 Oct 2006
Finally raised our 1st £100!! BASIK would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has donated and contributed so far, especially those who attended the football match yesterday. The forms necessary for registering BASIK should be completed some time in the next week or two. Thankyou again for your continued support and donations, its through people like you helping us, that we can begin to make a difference.

Entry #5 :: 10 Oct 2006
We've eventually made it to 1000 hits on the site! BASIK would again like to thank all its supporters for their continued commitment and dedication to such a worthy cause.
Just to keep you informed, the registration should have been submitted by the end of the half term break, if all goes according to plan.

Many thanks,
Entry #6 :: 23 Oct 2006
Today the first none official BASIK football match took place at Nunroyd park, in yeadon. This venture shows how the word of BASIK is spreading to the wider community. The event raised £10.00 for the charity and hopefully will be something that can become a more regular event.
Many thanks to Ste Clark, "Sat Nav" (i.e. luke), Josh, Joal, Zack and Ryan from Westfield Estate for making this event possible.

The event was organised and afficiated by  Ben Parry and Matthew Houston, in the hope that more people may follow their example.

Secondly, today BASIK recieved an email from Julius Nzai, the missionary who is currently at the school in kenya that we are trying to support,  a copy this email will be given to all who attend on Friday, as well as this a section of the email has been posted on the new "where does my money go" page.
Many thanks, BASIK
Entry #7 :: 27 Oct 2006
BASIK is certainly going from strength to strength. Today BASIK had the largest number of people attending the "friday afternoon football" than ever before, with a record 12 players and 10 spectators, it was just unfortunate that 5 of our regular players were unable to make the event for various reasons.

A second point to note is that the registration forms which will enable BASIK to become a charity are now completed and will be sent off this coming Monday. We can expect for the application to take 2 or 3 weeks to be returned to us, after which time we should hopefully be a FULLY registered charity, with the ability to hold more events and expand beyond what we are currrently able to do.

Thanks for your time,
Entry #8 :: 31 Oct 2006
This week will be the final BASIK match after school on a friday, due to the poor lighting conditions and the weather beginning to turn for the worse. Of course it would be a shame to abandon these matches completely as obviously they are the backbone of BASIK as it stands today, as well as it being a very enjoyable occasion for everybody involved. BASIK would be very grateful for an suggestions regarding alternate venues or solutions to the problem in hand. If you do have any ideas please contact us at or speak to a member.

Thanks for your continued support and understanding,

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Registered charity number: 1116936