Entry #9 :: 03 Nov 2006
Today we saw the final BASIK match, a brave battle against the oncoming darkness and bitter cold winter
so famous in the North of this country. Thanks especially to our supporters, for enduring such a cold evening in an effort
to support us, as well as to David Eastwood, for writing such a skillful and accurate match report, which can be accessed
through the events page.
The application had been sent off, and BASIK should hear of its hopeful promotion to charity status in th
next week or two.
Thanks once again,
Entry #10 :: 09 Nov 2006
Today marked the day BASIK sent its first amount of money to Kenya, something which is
definately a landmark for the soon-to-be-registered charity. the £260 raised so far was sent via the western union to Julius
Nzai, a missionary who currently works as the headmaster at the school. The money, along with our support, will
help make the lives and education of many poor school children better.
Thanks to everyone who made this possible,
Entry #11 :: 14 Nov 2006
This morning was possibly one of the most important occasions in the history of BASIK thus far, our year
11 assembly. An event that has been in the pipeline for the past 2 months finally emerged and took the year group by storm.
Thanks to the powerful and influential words of the readers as well as the moving pictures on the slideshow accompanied
by music by Brian Adams, the assembly put across to the 180, 15 and 16 year olds just what BASIK stands for. After putting
forward our views, and what we had already achieved we decided to have a collection for the charity as people left the hll.
This supprised the majority of us as we raised an amazing £64.89.
BASIK would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone who donated, its people like you that help
make the world a better place.
Another huge thankyou to all those who helped the assembly run so smoothly, and we are grateful
for all your continued support.
Thanks one again,
Entry #12 :: 24 Nov 2006
I am proud to announce that BASIK is now officialy a registered charity as of this morning. Our charity
number, 1116936 now means that BASIK can fundraise effectively and help make a much larger difference to the education of
Entry #13 :: 15 Dec 2006
The amount of money BASIK has raised over the course of the past few weeks had been totaled up, revealing
we have now met the first target of 100,000 Kenyan shillings. We have been informed that the money YOU raised is now being
used in Kenya as we speak to improve the facilities of our partner school.
Thankyou for your generosity and continued support